
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

A very Labour ban

25 Jul 2024

Eddie Ford welcomes any moves towards promoting public health, but a total ban on smoking - as with the so-called ‘war on drugs’ - is senseless and likely to be counterproductive

Flip-flopping programmatically

25 Jul 2024

Marcus Strom reviews David Lockwood The politics of the Malayan Communist Party from 1930 to 1948 NUS Press, 2024, pp248, £31

Rats in a sack

18 Jul 2024

Local assemblies are a recipe for chaos, confusion and ineffectiveness. Jeremy Corbyn continues to disappoint, writes Carla Roberts

A grand get-together

18 Jul 2024

Durham Miners Gala has always been a celebration of the labour and trade union movement. But this year, reports Ian Spencer, it had a special poignancy

Crime and revenge

18 Jul 2024

Eddie Ford welcomes the early release of prisoners, but the emphasis should be on rehabilitation, not crisis management

Reeves and her ‘securonomics’

11 Jul 2024

Labour’s leadership is relying on big business to bring the economic growth needed to fix ‘broken Britain’. Michael Roberts predicts a one-term government

Reform Ltd gets five

11 Jul 2024

Politics continues to move to the right, with Reform UK now having a ‘bridgehead’ of MPs, writes Eddie Ford. What happens next with the Tories, now that Kemi Badenoch is the front-runner, remains to be seen

Not marvellous at all

11 Jul 2024

Carla Roberts looks at the deluded souls who are celebrating the low turnout, Labour’s poor share of the vote and the election of four petty bourgeois independents

A Gaza election?

11 Jul 2024

The low turnout and lack of enthusiasm for Labour could not prevent a Tory bloodbath on July 4. Paul Demarty examines the results, and warns of the right’s hidden strength

Thoughts from afar

04 Jul 2024

Which way for the DSA? There are those who hanker after a Labor Party based on the trade unions, like the Labour Party in Britain. Max Shanly offers some considered words of advice

Upping the fight

27 Jun 2024

Neither the Tories nor Labour will commit to full pay restoration, writes Richard Galen - that despite the huge popular support for doctors

Right questions, wrong answers

27 Jun 2024

George Galloway launched his Workers Party of Britain manifesto before the assembled media. It is characterised by an eclectic mix of World War II nostalgia, radical populism and ‘socialism in one country’ Stalinism, says Carla Roberts

Minimum programme again

27 Jun 2024

To achieve the global transition to communism the working class must first conquer state power - that requires the minimum programme of economic - but crucially political - demands. Mike Macnair responds to Andrew Northall, Gerry Downing and Steve Freeman

Not about to be overthrown

27 Jun 2024

What will the presidential election mean when it comes to sanctions, corruption and the economic woes of the mass of the population? Yassamine Mather looks at the candidates and their rival factions

Bookies, mugs and pollsters

27 Jun 2024

As Sunak’s campaign stumbles from bad to worse, Paul Demarty looks at the latest turn in the betting scandal and, in the absence of any differences of substance, the media obsession with the polls

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