
WW archive > Issue 702 - 20 December 2007

Uses and abuses of Jesus

Even in the 21st century Jesus is still a much prized figure. In this the second chapter of his new book Jack Conrad shows how Jesus has been used and abused by almost every political persuasion


Equality; Name game; Santa specs; Drug tests; Marx v Engels; Shagged out; Disillusioned; Falsification

Incitement to fudge

Discussions aimed at a united left slate for the National Union of Students executive are already degenerating into curious squabbles. James Turley looks at the issues

What next for Campaign for a Marxist Party?

Following the election of a new committee of which he is a member, Hillel Ticktin gives his thoughts on the tasks of the Campaign for a Marxist Party

Negotiators fail climate test

Simon Wells comments on the international climate talks held at Bali

Past, present and future

The struggle to equip the working class with a Communist Party has been long, arduous but absolutely necessary. The theme of a talk given by John Bridge at Communist University 2007

Abandoning class politics

The tensions in the Alliance for Workers' Liberty over the occupation of Iraq have disappeared from public view. Yet the opposition has found a new hook to express its discontent. Ken Crisp reports

Negative critique and positive alternatives

Mike Macnair reviews the following books: - Phil Hearse (ed) Take the power to change the world (Socialist Resistance, 2007, pp144, £6); - Michael Lebowitz: Build it now: socialism for the 21st century (Monthly Review Press, 2006, pp127, £10.95) - Cliff Slaughter: Not without a storm: towards a communist manifesto for the age of globalisation (Index Books, 2006, pp314, �12.99)

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