
WW archive > Issue 453 - 24 October 2002

Partners or rivals

Take a hike

Did the SWP deliberately provoke the SP walkout? This email purports to be from SWP member Julian Goss, secretary of the WSA, to Martin Chapman, former WSA chair and leading SWPer in Swansea, the weekend before the Swansea WSA nominating meeting

Thousands march against war

Taaffe pulls out at last

Support the firefighters

Pact to re-elect Ken

Trouble at top

Socialist Party Wales letter to WSA

All out against the war

Heading for the rocks

Left gives BNP clear run


Liz Davies

Democratic centralism and the SA euro vote

SA executive

Dictatorship of the proletariat: Bolshevism versus Kautskyism

In the sixth part of his series of articles Jack Conrad discusses the debate between Lenin, Trotsky and Kautsky

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