
WW archive > Issue 1254 - 06 June 2019

Malthus painted green

In the first of four articles Jack Conrad affirms the reality of global warming, along with the pending danger of ecological disaster. But crude overpopulation theories are worse than useless. Each social formation has its own laws, including laws of population


Learning curve; Next stage; Big mister; False claims; That phrase again; Out of context; Mere biology; Bolshevik rigging; Polish ban

Gospel of no deal

Forget the chatter about the Tory Party being ‘doomed’, writes Eddie Ford. We could, however, see a significant realignment of British politics

The prosecutor’s fallacy

Boris Johnson is surely guilty of lying - but dishonesty in politics cannot be dealt with by the courts, argues Paul Demarty

All part of the campaign

Pete Willsman is the victim of a well-timed sting - yet his own CLPD comrades will not stand in solidarity with him. Carla Roberts reports

Zionism’s political crisis

Tony Greenstein looks beyond the possible voting figures, as Israel awaits a second election

Gallant attempts

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