
WW archive > Issue 460 - 12 December 2002

Parties are part of the movement

Which way for Russian workers' movement?

Ilya B is an executive member of Socialist Resistance, the Russian section of the Committee for a Workers' International led by Peter Taaffe's Socialist Party. In Paris for last weekend's ESF conference, he spoke to Peter Manson

Setback for unity

Reply to Allan Green

Chaos theory

Falling out in Scotland

Socialist Alliance at the crossroads

Inaccurate conception

ISO ultimatum stalls left unity

Florence success

Serious concerns

Preparing for Paris ESF

The first organisational meeting for the second European Social Forum took place in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis over the weekend of December 7-8. The CPGB's Anne Mc Shane and Peter Manson were there

National questions and the AWL patriarch - part three

Airing differences

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