

Revolutionary Platform of the SLP

Document as amended and accepted by the first conference of the RP

[As reported in the Weekly Worker (August 1) revolutionaries in the Socialist Labour Party have held a conference to discuss a common approach in the party. This is the platform passed at that conference from which joint work and further discussion can be coordinated – Weekly Worker]

1. We desperately need radical economic, social and environmental change. This can only be achieved through the revolutionary struggle for socialism and the establishment of workers’ power. As part of this struggle the working class must win what Marx called the ‘battle for democracy’. A revolutionary democratic SLP must stand for:

2. A socialist republic, for a united Ireland. We are for the abolition of the monarchy and all hereditary privilege. We must fight for the abolition of the House of Lords and for proportional representation. We are for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of British imperialism from Ireland. If led by the working class, the fight for these demands will be a vital element in the struggle for socialism in the UK.

3. Self-determination for Scotland and Wales. We fight for the peoples of Wales and Scotland to have the right and the means to exercise their self-determination. We advocate their voluntary union with the working class of England.

4. No illusions in parliament. Parliament is a vital area of struggle for our new party. Yet there is no possibility of socialism being achieved through parliament. We need a democratic workers’ state. All MPs and Ministers should receive a salary equal to an average workers’ wage. All SLP MPs must be subject to the discipline of the party, and are accountable to the party.

5. Democracy in the workplace. We are for workers’ control of industry through elected and recallable workplace councils.

6. Democracy in the trade unions. The rank and file must control their own unions. All officials must be elected, accountable, subject to instant recall and paid the average wage of the workers they represent. All members of the SLP who are trade union officials must be instructed to accept a wage equal to the average of that union’s membership. All remaining monies shall be given over to the movement.

7. For a socialist workers’ Europe. As a socialist and internationalist party, the SLP must pursue a working class agenda on all matters relating to the European Union. We must unite with European workers to fight for a united socialist workers’ Europe.

8. Workers’ Unity. There should be no residence qualifications for membership of the SLP. We want to organise all workers - whatever their country of origin - that live under the British state. The SLP must oppose all immigration controls. The bourgeois state uses such controls to keep migrant workers as worst paid labour in Britain, to criminalise them and divide them from the rest of the class. It is a basic principle of the workers’ movement that we oppose all immigration controls.

9. An internationalist party. A revolutionary republic must withdraw from all imperialist alliances and blocs like Nato. Our international policies must be guided by the world fight for working class revolution and socialism. We are for a workers’ international which unites all workers against the capitalists and which fights for a socialist Europe and a socialist world. We are for the withdrawal of UK imperialism from every part of the world (Ireland, Balkans, Gibraltar, Africa, Hong Kong, Malvinas, Carribean, etc). We defend the right of every oppressed people to expel imperialist troops from their own lands.

10. For a democratic SLP. We must have discipline, organisation and democracy. We need the principle of free and open debate without bureaucratic restriction. This must go along with unity in action. Minority views should be given due recognition and comrades should have the right to co-operate with co-thinkers to win support in the party.

11. For a revolutionary alternative to Labour. We do not need a ‘Labour Party Mark II’ or a new Independent Labour Party (ILP). The new party must reject reformism and fight for revolution.

12. For complete equality of workers from all nations and genders. Smash immigration controls. Support the right for the black and Asian community to defend themselves against racists and fascists.

Workers of the world unite!