
WW archive > Issue 1400 - 23 June 2022

A name that spells trouble

The YCL's very public pro-Stalin chanting at the recent TUC demo was clearly a provocation aimed directly at Robert Griffiths and his timid leadership of the CPB, writes Lawrence Parker


1917 fantasy; Subjectively; Climate threat; Catastrophism; Principle; Woman question; Character

Experience and expectations

Especially in light of the challenges of Nato’s proxy war, there needs to be a push for the unity of the Marxist left in a party project. James Harvey reports

A very liberal convert

Sir Bernard Pares was a bitter opponent of Bolshevism and actively supported the whites during the civil war. However, after his 1935 visit to Moscow, he became an apologist for the Stalin regime. Despite that, as Paul Flewers shows, he was still capable of penetrating insights

Scissor blades closing

Prices soaring, real wages falling and a new slump very much on the cards. Michael Roberts looks at the prospects for the world economy

Le Pen surges forward

The danger is that the left will use anti-fascism as an excuse to cut a deal with the liberal centre. To put it mildly, that would be a profound mistake, warns Paul Demarty

A no deal or a deal

Yassamine Mather looks at the cyber attacks, assassinations and airstrikes and the danger of an all-out war if the nuclear negotiations finally fail

On a collision course

Daniel Lazare reviews 'The avoidable war: the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China' by Kevin Rudd (PublicAffairs Books, 2022, pp432, £17)

Enough is enough

Gaby Rubin welcomes the RMT’s successful strike action and sees an opportunity to re-establish trade union strength and power - if there is a willingness to defy the law

Encouraging pledges

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Confidence boosted

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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