
WW archive > Issue 1282 - 16 January 2020

Champion assassinator

Moshé Machover focused on the Israeli aspect in his address to the Hopi meeting.


Dictatorship?; Follow SWP; Real democracy; Revolution; Nationalism

Fight on two fronts

Trump’s reckless drone assassination was a godsend for the reactionary theocratic regime in Tehran

No to war, no to the regime

Yassamine Mather analyses the continuing US-Iran conflict. This article is based on her talk to the January 12 meeting of Hands Off the People of Iran.

Fury, frustration and volatility

Daniel Lazare examines the dilemmas, contradictions and warmongering of US imperialism.

A new adventure

Esen Uslu discusses Erdoğan’s expansionism in the eastern Mediterranean and its recent intervention into the Libyan civil war.

Put pressure on RLB

CLPs should demand the Labour leadership candidate distances herself from the ‘10 pledges’, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.

Tarnishing the brand

While Labour leadership candidates pathetically line up to defend Harry and Meghan Windsor in the name of anti-racism and anti-sexism, Eddie Ford says it’s time to put republicanism back onto the agenda.

Smoke without fire

Jamie Stern-Weiner (editor) Anti-Semitism and the Labour Party Verso, December 2019, free e-book, pp278

Full steam ahead?

While Stormont has been restored, writes James Harvey, the old communal divisions remain firmly in place.

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