

Docks women lobby Major

WOMEN of the Waterfront is an organisation drawing on the families of sacked dockers in Liverpool. On Tuesday January 9 they took a 100,000-name petition to 10 Downing Street. The petition drew attention to the 13% shareholding that the government has in the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company. Women of the Waterfront holds the government accountable for the sacking of the 500 dockers and the 16-week dispute.

Meanwhile the dockers themselves stepped up picketing, as the MDHC bussed in scab labour brought to Merseyside from Kent. The bussing gives the lie to the board’s propaganda that they have been able to recruit a replacement labour force for the docks. With container wagons queuing up outside the port, Transport and General Workers Union leaders have still to give the dispute official backing. The key to defeating the Dock Board remains the hard work dockers have put in to obtaining solidarity and keeping up public support.