

Notable success

Robbie Rix is becalmed...for now.

I’m pleased to report that our February fighting fund achieved a rare and notable success - we exceeded our £1,750 target by £101!

That was due in no small measure to the £310 raised for the Weekly Worker at last Saturday’s big anti-Trident demo in London. I witnessed myself the appreciation there is for our paper amongst a small but substantial minority of the mainly leftwing demonstrators. Although sometimes it was hard going trying to sell the paper, my patience was on more than one occasion rewarded by someone offering a note and saying, “Keep the change”. Or - another popular one, as £1 was handed over - “I read it online, but take this anyway.”

We also received a total of £107 in standing orders/bank transfers in the last four days of the month - thanks to JT (£30), RK (£25), GT (£15), SS (£10), SS and RL (£10 each) and JC (£5). And those standing orders have continued to come in over the first couple of days of March - 17 of them! That’s too many to list, but I will mention the most generous: £40 from MS, £30 from EW, ST, TB and SW, plus £20 from DL and TG.

But unusually not a single PayPal donation came our way over the last week - that despite the fact we had 3,360 readers. I’m sure a good number of you will want to put that right in time for next week!