
WW archive > Issue 108 - 24 August 1995

The fight for a minimum wage: £4.15 is not enough

The Fire Brigades Union and Ucatt, the building workers’ union, have forced the issue of a minimum wage onto the TUC agenda. But their £4.15 is woefully inadequate


It’s good to talk!; Ludicrous dictatorship; Mixed race Bosnians?; Attracting support

Dundee campaign against hospital cuts and closures

Can the SWP be reformed?

Dave Craig of the RDG questions RWT tactics

Communist Party Offensive 95

War with Russia - our manifesto to the workers

From 'The Communist', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, August 26 1920

From the walls of Derry

Steve Hedley from the Colin Roach Centre witnesses the RUC attack

The politics of transition

Peter May from the RDG says the demand for a federal republic is a revolutionary minimum

Labour brings in the troops

Soldiers called in to break the Liverpool firefighters’ strike

Site safety worsens

Bosnian-Croat joint offensive

Left support for nationalist slaughter

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