

Prove me wrong

Robbie Rix needs to know you're serious

A couple of new standing orders have boosted the total we received from that source this week - £20 from II and £15 from GT. They were among 11 SOs that came our way, ranging from £10 to £30, and totalling £225.

Then there were three cheques - from RG (£40, added to his subscription), NF (£25) and KT (£20). Plus a couple of PayPal contributions from NW (£20) and LS (£10). The last two were among 4,841 online readers last week, by the way.

But back to those standing orders. Although I mentioned the two new ones, they were actually among the £110 I noted last week, which is the total of new money pledged each month from SOs. In fact I’ve had no new commitments this week, which is a pity, as we really could do with another £140 or so every month in regular donations.

Nevertheless, we are doing all right so far in April, as the £330 received over the last seven days takes our running total up to £469 - just about the going rate to reach the £1,750 we need by the end of the month. But the usual word of warning: standing orders come in disproportionately at the beginning of the month, so I normally wouldn’t expect the money to keep on arriving at that rate.

There again, this month could be different and I could be pleasantly surprised. Why don’t you prove me wrong?

Robbie Rix