
Ian Mahoney

Latest articles by Ian Mahoney

Hero and criminal

Ian Mahoney reviews ‘Redemption song: Muhammad Ali and the spirit of the sixties’ by Mike Marqusee (London 1999, pp310, hbk, £17)

Summer Offensive: halfway stage

One step forward

Welsh Socialist Alliances

Party aggregate

Pep-talk or conference?

Cliffism against Cliff

Ian Mahoney reviews ‘More years for the locust: the origins of the Socialist Workers Party’ by Jim Higgins

Stench of hypocrisy

SLP witch hunter calls for discrimination against homosexuals

And so, farewell ...

WRP liquidates

Militant Labour to ‘Socialist Party’?

What’s in a name?

Utopian at heart

Ian Mahoney reviews Social anarchism or lifestyle anarchism: An unbridgeable chasm by Murray Bookchin (AK Press, pp86, £5.95)

National utopia?

Discussions have also raged in the Economy group. Here Ian Mahoney criticises the compromise document produced

Militant in Ireland

Ian Mahoney reviews 'Troubled Times - the national question in Ireland' by Peter Hadden (Herald Books, pp159, £5.99)

Some questions to Militant Labour

Militant’s origins

Ian Mahoney reviews 'The rise of Militant' by Peter Taaffe (Militant Publications, pp558, £9.99)

‘If not with a bullet ...’

The recent controversy between the Communist Party majority and one of its supporters branches over the thorny question of Ireland poses important questions. Here Ian Mahoney answers some of the most common objections raised against our support for the liberation struggle of the republican forces in the north of Ireland.

Scottish Socialist Alliance launched

A step forward for left unity - now for political clarity

Workers demand healthcare for all

Healthcare for need, not profit

Opportunism's slippery slope

Reformist call to ban revolutionary funds

Ditch this archaic system