

Appeal from the editor

Peter Manson sees the support our readers have given us so far, and gives an update

Subscribers are already responding to my personal appeal sent out with last week’s paper. We are asking all readers to contribute to our legal fund relating to the out-of-court settlement we reached resulting from the publication of an article in January 2012 (see ‘Unreserved apology’, February 7).

Beating the lot in the generosity stakes is comrade RG, who has contributed a tremendous £250, while JR has written a cheque for £100. Both MM and RB gave £50, while PS chipped in with £20. That adds a further £470 to the total, taking it to £2,910. Thanks also to comrade AD, by the way, who corrected the mistake on her previous cheque by changing the payee to ‘Weekly Worker’.

We still do not know the final amount of the settlement. Although damages of £1,000 have been paid, legal costs are still to be agreed and they are seldom cheap. Please send cheques and postal orders (payable to ‘Weekly Worker’, don’t forget!) to Weekly Worker, BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX. Alternatively, transfer your donation directly to our account (sort code: 30-99-64; account: 00744310) or via our website using PayPal. Please do not forget to inform us of the purpose of the transfer.

Comrades should also raise our appeal with their union branch or CLP. Download the template letter and draft motion from the website carousel.