

Summer Offensive: Web cash call

Mark Fischer appeals for support from web-readers for the CPGB's annual Summer Offensive

This week, pledges for the Summer Offensive - our annual fundraising push - crept to just over £19,000. Not bad, but still some way off our £30k target. And, of course, pledging to raise such an amount is not exactly the same thing as doing it.
No need to hit any panic buttons yet, though. This week also sees the first in a series of e-letters asking for support whizzing out to thousands of readers of the Party press on-line, to comrades who have given us e-details and want to be kept informed of activities, and supporters who signed up via our website. The positive response we get from these comrades to the campaign always provides a much-needed boost. This year, they will find donating even easier - so no excuses, please!
Our website has been made considerably more SO-friendly than for previous Offensives - an important change for the better, considering the numbers who visit (7,764 last week). There is a button for one-off credit card donations. Details of where to send cheques and postal orders are prominent on the site. And - a very important addition - comrades can now download standing order forms. 
These are an absolutely vital source of income for the Party, as their regularity allows us to plan our expenditure more precisely, anticipate shortfalls and take action to counter them. We urge comrades to seriously consider making a regular contribution to Party coffers via a standing order (if you experience technical difficulties on our site, just send us your postal details and we'll get a form off to you).
Our running total this week is a shade under £1,500. With comrades just starting to get into the swing of this year's SO, the pace should pick up noticeably over the next week or so. Do your bit to make sure it does and send a donation in today!