

LSA actions


London Socialist Alliance candidates joined picket lines outside post office counters on Tuesday April 25 in support of an official strike called by the Communications Workers Union.

"Managers have placed an arbitrary bar on workers taking holidays when schools are off," said LSA secretary and list candidate Greg Tucker, "but the huge vote for action - 45 out of 49 branches voting to back the strike - shows that workers in London are running out of patience with New Labour's pro-business policies."

The LSA has been officially backed by the London North/North West branch of CWU.

Lecturers' backing

Lecturers at Southgate College are backing Weyman Bennett and the London Socialist Alliance in the Greater London Assembly elections.

The branch executive committee of Natfhe at the college voted unanimously to back the socialist candidates.

Branch chair Brian O'Sullivan is on record as saying: "We are glad to have the opportunity to vote for people we can rely on to stand up for education. Labour's privatisation plans for education are a disgrace. Britain is still a very rich country. The Alliance says we should tax the big corporations to pay for the services we need."

Southgate College Natfhe donated £40 to the LSA's election fund.

LSA election fund

Please rush your donations, as much as you can afford, to the LSA address, or phone 020 8981 9243 to make a credit card payment. Cheques should be made payable to the London Socialist Alliance. If you wish to make a donation directly into the London Socialist Alliance account, the details are:

Please let the LSA know if you make such a direct donation:
email at main.office@londonsocialistalliance.org.uk