

Six days left

Thankfully, our April fighting fund got a much-needed boost with the help of three three-figure donations to the Weekly Worker (thank you, comrades SK, PM and GB!), which took this week’s total to a handy £522.

Other smaller, but just as appreciated, contributions came from AN (£25), MM, DR and JF (£20 each), GD (£15) and TT (£6). Altogether they pushed the running total for April up to £1,931 towards that (sometimes elusive) £2,250 monthly target. So that means we still need £319 in, as I write, just six days.

But, of course, there are a whole number of our readers who really appreciate the Weekly Worker. Take comrade JF (mentioned above), who accompanied his donation with a message about last week’s paper: “Great edition”! And, of course, he was not the only one. Comrade BT, in a note that came with his subscription, wrote: “How pleased I am to have come across the Weekly Worker. Just the sort of political debate we need!”

And many of such comrades are determined to play their part in ensuring that we can continue fulfilling that role - which is why so many contribute to our monthly fighting fund. But now we need more of our readers to join in, so that we not only reach that much needed target, but go soaring past it, and as a result make up for some of the deficits we’ve suffered in recent months.

Comrades, please help us out, and make sure we receive your donation by Tuesday April 30. You can pay by bank transfer or PayPal (see below for the web link, giving you the necessary details) or by cheque - although you’ll have to be very quick to make sure we get it on time!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit