

A newer world

Judy Carosian reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

I said we needed to receive more of our regular donations and resubs - and this week has proven that sometimes people actually listen.

Resubs are always welcome, since they show us that people are reading and (hopefully) appreciating our clear and hard hitting journalism. This week couldn’t have been better. First of all, we received two overseas resubs: a prominent university in the US sent us a resub for £480, and another American academic sent us £240. We received online resubs of £50 from LC, £60 from TB and £5 from BO. Excellent so far.

But donations were a little disappointing. There was, though, our own OD who raised £20 by selling the Weekly Worker at the Bloody Sunday demonstration in Liverpool. Then JC added a magnificent £100 bank transfer - to encourage others.

Since Robbie Rix last told us our January total was £971, it seems our new monthly total received is £1,076. But we still need £1,174 to reach the £2,250 we require for the end of the month, comrades. And hopefully more to surpass it. January is always a difficult month, coming right after Christmas, but still, if you are able, the usual drill applies.

We are phoning subscribers and asking them to increase their contributions. If we reach you, do try to tack on that bit more. If you are going to meetings or demonstrations (like OD!) and you want a few copies of the Weekly Worker to sell or give out, let us know. If you can cover the cost of postage, so much the better.

And if you find you can help even more, please click on the Paypal button on our website. Better still, how about a bank transfer, for which no fee is deducted: make your payment to account number 00744310 (sort code 30-99-64). And, yes, unlike many places these days, we accept cheques!

Help us reach and (hopefully) surpass our £2,250 target for this month. As the poet says, ’tis not too late to seek a newer world.

Judy Carosian