


Robbie Rix is always looking upwards

The £124 raised for the Weekly Worker at the TUC demonstration last Saturday helped take our running total for May’s fighting fund over the one-thousand mark. Although sales of the paper were not huge, our comrades did receive quite a few compliments - “one of the highlights of my bleeding week” was how one passing subscriber described the moment when our paper lands on his doormat.

Also complimentary was comrade FC, who wrote in the note accompanying his £20 cheque that our paper is “the best on the left” - although we do sometimes make a mistake, such as when JM didn’t get his paper a couple of weeks ago. So he’s asked for a another copy and sent us a fiver - that should cover the postage, comrade!

As usual, standing orders accounted for a good portion of this week’s donations - thanks to SP, BK, DG, TR and KB for the £375 they added collectively to our total. And there was also a very handy £25 that came via PayPal from RN - the only comrade who clicked on the button over the last seven days.

So, in all, £539 came our way - more than doubling the balance in May’s fighting fund from £500 to £1,039. Not bad at all. So once again I’m wondering whether we can not only break through our £1,750 monthly target, but also reach that elusive £2,000. Fancy helping us over the line?