

It's a deal

We'd probably do it just for the love, but don't tell Robbie Rix

Comrade TR informs us that it is “almost exactly a year” since he started subscribing to the Weekly Worker (not to mention the regular extra donations he throws in). But he has written to say that the last two issues (September 11 and 18) have been “exceptional”, with Ben Lewis and Moshé Machover getting a “special mention” for their articles last week on Kautsky and Zionism respectively. TR was also particularly pleased with Hillel Ticktin’s article the week before.

He continues: “It is the simultaneous depth and range of nevertheless brief articles like this for which I treasure the WW” - and the fact that we are “honest about where we have been, where we are and therefore how best we can get to where we need to be”. He ends with the promise to “keep up the donations”, just as long as we “keep up the brilliant work”. It’s a deal!

Thanks to comrades like TR, we are edging closer to our September fighting fund target of £1,500, with a further £305 coming in this week. That takes our running total to £1,267, leaving us with a further £233 to raise by Tuesday September 30. The last seven days saw hefty standing order donations from SK and SP, plus cheques from KG (£20) and FT (£10), and a £25 PayPal gift from comrade AN.

At this point I normally tell you how many online readers we had over the last week, but unfortunately our recent server problems mean I don’t have the figures for the first few days. Next week, it’ll be back to normal, I promise! And I hope I will also be able to tell you that we succeeded in raising the full £1,500 for September. Please feel free to help make sure we do.

Robbie Rix